Play with the saloon videopoker to help the sheriff, obtaining the money to pay the bounties and jail the outlaws who scare the town. Show your worth in this game accruing as many points as possible.As well as winning money, you will receive coins in order to keep playing. The video poker is divided in levels, every level sub-divided in two steps. Every time you will reach one step, you will be given three coins to play with. Every time you will realise at least a Jack or Better, the coin you have used will be given back to you. Finished the level, you'll have the opportunity to spin the wheel of luck .Alongside the coins to play with, you'll have the opportunity to get bullets. Thanks to them you will multiply the final sum of money the video poker will pay up. Remember you will have a maximum of 30 coins and 10 bullets. In case you might have all the coins, you'll have the opportunity to gain only bullets. In case you accrue also the maximum of bullets allowed, you can try to earn money. If you'll finish the coins, or you will be short of them. you shouldn't worry because if you have a working internet connection, you will be able to receive them for free just looking at the adverts. The same goes for the bullets. If you will see the whole advert without skipping it, you'll get 2 bullets instead of 1. Will you manage to arrest the gang and freed the town?